Showing Collections: 111 - 120 of 243
Gray County Republican
Gray County Republican
This collection contains copies of the Gray County Republican newspaper from the 1880s.
Gray County Republican (1889)
The collection contains copies of the Gray County Republican, a newspaper from Montezuma, Kansas. The collection in contained on microfilm.
Great Bend Register
This collection contains microfilmed copies of the Great Bend Register newspaper from Great Bend in Barton County, Kansas.
Great Bend Rustler
This collection contains microfilmed copies of the Great Bend Rustler, a newspaper from Great Bend in Barton County, Kansas.
Great Southwest Association Collection
This collection contains programs from the Great Southwest Fair in Dodge City from 1923-1958. Some of these programs also include information about the Boot Hill Rodeo in Dodge City.
Hackler Family Collection
This collection contains materials relating to the Mullendore and Hackler families in Kansas. This includes photographs, correspondences, certificates and numerous holiday cards. The collection also contains a few books, textual records, handkerchiefs, and ephemera. This collection largely concerns family life and culture around the turn of the century and early 20th century, as well as farm work, womens' health, and pregnancy care.
Hager Family Photographs
Photos of the Hager family, likely taken in Belpre, KS. The collection includes photographs of individuals, family groups, and school groups. This collection contains ambrotype photographs taken somewhere from c. 1854-1865, as well as tintypes taken c. 1856-1920.
Haldeman-Julius Publications Collection
This collection contains 497 Little Blue Books, which were published by the E. Haldeman-Julius Company in Girard, Kansas For a full listing of the books in this collection, see the Index.
Harold Bell Wright Books Collection
Contains books by author Harold Bell Wright, including:
That Printer of Udell's (1902)
The Calling of Dan Matthews (1909)
The Winning of Barbara Worth (1911)
Their Yesterdays (1912)
The Eyes of the World (1914)
When a Man's a Man (1916)